This workshop is packed with evidence-based strategies, resources and techniques for building positive mental health and wellbeing in children and young people, as well as in themselves.
The workshops can be held during or out of school hours.
The tools covered in this workshop can be used and taught explicitly in mental health and wellbeing, Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE), or support sessions with pupils, helping to develop a whole school ethos of mental health and wellbeing.
Teacher wellbeing is the key to school success. How teachers feel on a daily basis is likely to affect their performance and, in turn, the performance of the pupils they teach. Happier, motivated teachers may make pupils feel happier, motivated and more confident. Happier teachers may also concentrate better on the job of teaching and experience more motivation to help pupils in need of special attention. Teacher workload and burnout is a significant ongoing issue that needs addressing at policy level. However, there are some things that school leaders can do to reduce teacher stress, as well as actions they can take to protect health and wellbeing for students and staff.
In this workshop, school staff will learn how to take care of themselves and support students:
- Reduce symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety
- Develop self-help skills that improve mental wellbeing
- Prevent escalation of emotional issues
- Improve communication, interpersonal skills and relationships
- Increase confidence and develop self-awareness
- Reduce workload pressures
- Reduce the use of negative coping strategies such as self-harm